2015 Headshot Special

By |2017-09-17T18:22:48-05:00October 21st, 2015|Promotions|

In celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week I’m offering a US$20 discount on professional headshots booked between Tue. Oct. 20 - Sat. Oct 24. Sessions can be done wherever you’d like - your home or office. Nine spots available on Saturday October 24th. On Saturday we’ll ...

Jamaican Stock Photography with Clash Studios

By |2017-09-17T18:22:49-05:00March 20th, 2015|News & Updates|

I’ve tried my hand at stock photography a few times before; with freeimages.com (formerly known as sxc.hu) + dreamstock + istockphotos.com. I’ve even gone as far as purchasing eBooks like (micro)STOCK by Nichole S. Young to educate myself but always avoided photographing people. So what changed? Well, in my ...

Day 28 of 28: Family

By |2017-09-17T18:22:49-05:00March 1st, 2015|28 Day Challenge, Products|

In the early stages of this 28 Day Photo Challenge my brother-in-law suggested that I photograph a family of beers. I thought instead of doing all the various types of Red Strip Beers I’d photograph a few beverages brewed and bottled by Desnoes and Geddes, ...

Day 27 of 28: Tipsy

By |2017-09-17T18:22:49-05:00March 1st, 2015|28 Day Challenge, Products|

What happens when you put your child to bed and you fall asleep; waking up after 12:00 a.m? … Well! No photo gets taken… “I so totally didn’t get to take a photo on day 27…” Okay… Can you read that again in the voice ...

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